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DoubleUP Roller used on calf while seated on a sofa
DoubleUP Roller used on calf while seated on a sofa

HSA/FSA Payment Instructions

DoubleUP has partnered with TrueMed to allow you to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). This means you can buy DoubleUP with pre-tax dollars, resulting in an effective savings of 30-40%.

HSAs and FSAs were created for you to spend tax-advantaged dollars to pay for “expenses incurred primarily for the prevention or alleviation of a physical or mental defect or illness.” The TrueMed payment option determines eligibility and enables qualified customers to pay with their HSA/FSA funds during checkout.

All you have to do is:
  1. Add products to your cart
  2. Check out as aGuest(not with Shop Pay)*
  3. Select TrueMed as your payment option at checkout (scroll down past the shipping address section)
  4. Enter your HSA or FSA debit card (or regular credit card)
  5. Take a brief health survey to determine eligibility

A licensed provider will review the health survey. If you qualify, they will issue a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) in order to approve the use of HSA/FSA funds for the purchase.

More details:

TrueMed is for patients for whom the selected product has been proven to prevent or reverse a condition you care about. A brief health survey will determine eligibility and take qualified patients to the payment step.

  • If you pay with your HSA/FSA card, then there's nothing else that you need to do. A licensed medical provider will generate and submit the Letter of Medical Necessity directly to your HSA/FSA program administrator to ensure compliance.
  • If you pay with your personal credit card, TrueMed will email you instructions and the Letter of Medical Necessity so you can upload those in order to be reimbursed from your HSA/FSA funds.

*Please note, you must check out as a Guest to use the TrueMed payment option to enable use of HSA/FSA funds. If you are already logged in to your Shop Pay account, you will need to log out of that in order to see the TrueMed payment option.
